It’s official, Europe Lovies our work for BBC Earth
It’s official, Europe Lovies our work for BBC Earth
Agency News

November 3, 2017
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In 2017, Guerrilla was listed among some of the top digital industry players in Europe, shortlisted for our work on the global website for the highly regarded BBC Earth. Thanks Lovie Awards! And hey, can you blame us if we’re a tad excited?
Australians can be forgiven for not knowing the Lovie Awards, but we’re pretty sure the international Webby Awards, celebrating the best in digital for more than 20 years, rings a bell? Owned by the Webbys, The Lovie Awards is all about Europe, honouring a vast breadth of internet goodness – from Europe’s top web and creative networks to bedroom bloggers.
Though not finalists, we were shortlisted in the ‘Television Websites’ category in 2017 for our work on bbcearth.com, and that’s enough to make us feel pretty chuffed.
With nearly 1,500 entries received from 33 countries, the Official Shortlist distinction was awarded to just 17% of all work entered. What’s more, only four websites hit the top of the ‘Television Websites’ category, so just being noticed is an honour.
Guerrilla has created websites in Europe and around the globe for our client BBC Worldwide for over seven years now.
The Lovie Award’s nod recognises all we’ve worked hard to achieve, and represents how far we reach as an agency – from the shores of the Gold Coast to Europe – digitally, anyways.
We Lovie you too Europe! xoxo