The future face of farming

The future face of farming

Stacked Farm

Grafting botany with technology

Serving up a brand that balances pristine produce with precise automation.

Stacked Farm are leading the world in fully-automated vertical farming technology that offers mouth-watering produce at scale. After raising a juicy $98m to support their vision and growth, they approached us to define a brand and identity that seamlessly grafts botany with technology. A brand that communicates their technological edge, while maintaining an organic and human relatability. After perfecting the recipe, we propagated their brand through every touch-point, creating a tangible and tasty feast for the senses.


Daniel Tzvetkoff

Founder and Chief Architect
Stacked Farm®

Guerrilla has been a strategic partner from the beginning, helping to scale our brand as the business has grown exponentially. From strategic consulting to our refreshed brand and website, each has played an important role in our success.

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